Bruce and Tami
Pastor Bruce Brown grew up in Warm Springs, Ga. His first knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ was during his early childhood while attending The Harmony Nazarene Church with his Grandmother and family. Soon into his teen years, he began to live a life filled with drugs and alcohol which continued until the age of 20, at which point he became totally dissatisfied with the life he was living. Bruce was unable to escape from the seeds of love and faith of the Lord Jesus Christ that were planted in his heart at an early age. He decided to make a commitment to The Lord Jesus Christ.
Born again March 5th, 1978, he continued to grow in the grace of God, and in the fall of 1979, he met his wife Tami Reynolds by the divine direction of God. They were married on February 1st, 1980. A match truly made from Heaven for the work they are called to now. Tami grew up in Harris County, Ga. She was born again in 1979. Tami ministers in piano, song, and in the word.
The calling of God
In February 1992 God awakened Bruce in the early hours of the morning calling him to pray and supernaturally speaking into his heart saying, “YOU WILL TEACH MY PEOPLE” Immediately he was placed into a position that allowed him, almost every day for two years for intensive prayer and study of God’s word. Bruce helped other local ministers in various capacities from that time forward.
Establishing a Church
In the early morning hours of September 22, 1997 Bruce was awakened once again to pray and the Lord spoke into his heart that the time had come for the work, he had called him to. By October 6th, 1997 less than two weeks, without any prior knowledge of what would take place, he had purchased the building on 2nd St. and held their first Sunday service. The following Sunday their first local TV broadcast was on the air. Starting out with only a word from God to “TEACH MY PEOPLE”.